Local community vitality and economic development programs just received
a boost through Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E) Better
Together Giving Programs. PG&E is awarding a total of $200,000 in
Economic Vitality Grants to 10 worthy local community organizations.
Each organization will receive $20,000 to help grow a specific program
or project focused on local business development, job creation or
workforce training.
"PG&E supports organizations that are committed to creating local jobs
and training workers because they're making life better for their
families, our communities and California as a whole,” said PG&E Senior
Vice President of External Affairs and Public Policy Helen Burt.
The funding determinations for this grant program were competitive, with
more than 200 applications received. All applications were evaluated by
a third party that based its recommendations on a combination of
factors, including the strength of the plans presented, demonstrable
links to job creation and community need.
The Northern Rural Communities Development, Inc. (NRCD) was selected as
one of this year’s grant winners for the organization’s high school and
career “train-the-trainer” classes on manufacturing technology, and
identifying potential manufacturing sites in Oroville.
“This grant will help the Grow Manufacturing Initiative support and
expand our North State manufacturing sector, and support the next
generation manufacturing workforce,” said Michael Cross, executive
director of NRCD.
Eligible grantees for this PG&E Corporation shareholder-funded program
included local government organizations, educational institutions and
501(c) 3 nonprofit organizations within the company’s 70,000-square-mile
service area.
Better Together Economic Vitality Grant Winners
The PG&E Better Together Economic Vitality Grant Winners are listed
below. For more information on the PG&E Economic Vitality Grant Program
and this year’s grant winners, please visit
Central Valley
Fresno Community Development Financial Institution
Training and technical assistance for low-income entrepreneurs: Will
support 14 workshops to provide low-income and underserved
entrepreneurs with access to training, technical assistance, and
capital for their business.
San Joaquin County Office of Education
Career development training: Will fund a career development
pilot program in which 20 Corps members will enhance their soft
skills, build resumes, learn interviewing skills, and access job
search tools and resources.
Amador Community College Foundation
Sutter Creek
Career-building opportunities for students: Will support the
hiring of a part-time internship coordinator to help place students
in internships, connect students to career counseling resources, and
provide financial literacy training.
Northern Region
Mendocino Private Industry Council, Inc.
Vocational training for at-risk youth: Will support the
MendoLake Youth Works Program in rural Lake County, allowing for an
additional 10 to 15 at-risk youth to gain job and community
engagement skills.
Northern Rural Communities Development, Inc.
Initiative to expand the manufacturing industry: Will support
the Grow Manufacturing initiative, which provides train-the-trainer
classes for high school and career technical education teachers
leading classes on manufacturing technology, and identifying
potential manufacturing sites in Oroville.
West Sacramento Foundation
West Sacramento
Job training for youth in engineering design and technology: Will
enable junior and senior high school students to participate in
work-based learning internships that provide job training in
engineering design or engineering technology.
Central Coast
Digital NEST
Ag-Tech App Development Boot Camp: Will provide training for
low-income Latino youth and young adults in Watsonville to develop
apps that help small farmers better manage water and labor
resources—building the skills necessary to participate in the
high-tech economy.
Mission Community Services Corporation
San Luis Obispo
Support for entrepreneurs and women-owned businesses: Will
support workshops for new entrepreneurs in both English and Spanish,
individual consulting for students, and specialized consulting for
businesses seeking 8(a) and women-owned small business certification.
Bay Area
Center for Media Change, Inc. (d.b.a. Hack the Hood)
Tech training for low-income youth: Will support training for
26 low-income youth from disadvantaged communities in technology,
entrepreneurship, and marketing skills.
San Jose Conservation Corps & Charter School
San Jose
Turf conversion training program for at-risk youth: Will fund
a training program that teaches at-risk youth how to complete turf
conversion projects that bring more drought-friendly landscaping to
low-income homes throughout Santa Clara County.
About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), a subsidiary of PG&E
Corporation (NYSE:PCG), and the PG&E Corporation Foundation strive to
power strong communities throughout Northern and Central California.
Through the 2015 Better Together Giving Program, PG&E contributed more
than $25 million to nearly 1,600 charitable organizations, including
matching the generosity of employees who donated more than $7.9 million
and volunteered more than 85,000 hours to company-supported events.
Community investments are funded entirely by the company’s shareholders.
For more information, visit

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Source: Pacific Gas and Electric Company