In an effort to protect and enhance California’s state parks system,
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is funding resiliency grants to
prepare state parks for natural disasters. The resiliency grants,
totaling $50,000, are part of a $250,000 PG&E grant to the California
State Parks Foundation (CSPF). The funding will be used to restore and
clean up 40 state parks across California as part of the California
State Parks Foundation’s (CSPF) 20th Earth
Day Restoration and Cleanup on Saturday, April 21.
Among the 40 parks benefitting from the funding and volunteer work in
commemoration of Earth Day are Sugarloaf Ridge State Park and
Trione-Annadel State Park in Sonoma County. Both parks sustained major
damage in the devastating October 2017 wildfires. Volunteers will repair
trails, access roads and structures in the parks.
Resiliency projects will focus on brush removal and habitat management
to make parks better able to cope with fires, drought and other
environmental impacts in the short term, and will bolster strategies to
help make parks more resilient in dealing with the effects of climate
change in the long term.
“PG&E has a proud tradition of supporting state parks, enjoyed by
millions of visitors each year. Expanding that effort to help protect
natural and cultural resources against the effects of climate change is
the logical next step, and is part of our larger company strategy to
help build more resilient communities,” said Travis Kiyota, PG&E vice
president, California External Affairs, PG&E and executive director of
the PG&E Corporation Foundation.
California’s state parks receive great benefits from the work completed
by volunteers during the annual Earth Day Restoration and Cleanup.
Some of the volunteer projects slated for this year include:
Replacing trees that were lost during the drought
Updating campgrounds to meet ADA-compliance requirements
Removing trash, weeds and non-native plants
A community engagement event to promote stewardship and sustainability
of our shoreline parks
“As we celebrate 20 years of our annual Earth Day Restoration and
Cleanup, it’s appropriate that so many of these grants will fund
projects that reflect our vision of access, equity and excellence in
state parks. Through our volunteer programs, partnerships and advocacy,
we’re committed to improving quality of life for all Californians and
visitors from around the world by ensuring positive, meaningful and
healthy experiences in a flourishing state park system,” said Rachel
Norton, executive director, CSPF.
PG&E will provide employee volunteer support at 11 state parks. PG&E
project sites include:
Angel Island State Park – Marin County
Candlestick Point State Recreation Area – San Francisco County
Folsom Lake State Recreation Area – Sacramento County
Half Moon Bay State Beach – San Mateo County
Lighthouse Field State Beach – Santa Cruz County
McLaughlin Eastshore State Park – Alameda County
Mt. Diablo State Park – Contra Costa County
Millerton Lake State Recreation Area – Fresno/Madera Counties
Montaña de Oro State Park – San Luis Obispo County
Sugarloaf Ridge State Park – Sonoma County
Trione-Annadel State Park – Sonoma County
Since its inception in 1998, CSPF’s Earth Day Restoration and Cleanup
program has resulted in more than 85,000 participants contributing more
than 350,000 volunteer hours.
Volunteer registration for the 40 parks opens early March. To find out
more about CSPF grants and projects in your area, or for more ways you
can help protect our state parks this Earth Day, please visit
About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E
Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is one of the largest combined natural gas
and electric energy companies in the United States. Based in San
Francisco, with more than 20,000 employees, the company delivers some of
the nation’s cleanest energy to nearly 16 million people in Northern and
Central California. For more information, visit
About California State Parks Foundation
California State Parks Foundation (CSPF) is a member-supported nonprofit
dedicated to protecting, improving and advocating for all of
California’s state parks. With our community of supporters, we deliver
innovative solutions for an excellent parks system by facilitating park
improvements, inspiring stewardship, supporting partners, advocating for
sound policies, and connecting people to parks. Together we ensure that
the natural beauty, rich culture and history, and recreational and
educational opportunities of our 280 state parks are available for all
to enjoy now and for generations to come. For more information, visit

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Source: Pacific Gas and Electric Company