(Washington, DC) – PG&E Corporation Chairman, CEO and President Peter A. Darbee provided the following comment today supporting the passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act in the Energy and Commerce Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives:
“Today’s vote represents an important step in the right direction. It moves the U.S. closer to adopting smart, responsible strategies to head off the climate crisis and promote the innovation and long-term clean energy investments that will also benefit our economy.
“The bill provides clear signals to utilities and others that will drive more investments in renewable power, energy efficiency, and new technology and infrastructure – the groundwork for a low-carbon economy.
“At the same time, the bill is carefully designed to guard against sharp increases in energy prices for electric and natural gas customers. We are confident that it will enable utilities like PG&E to continue to provide our customers with cost-effective service, while doing what’s necessary to address climate change and spur investment.
“We appreciate the leadership of Chairmen Waxman and Markey and Congressman Boucher, as well as the hard work and constructive debate by all members of the Committee. The result reflects a thoughtful and, in many cases, painstaking balance among a number of critical, though at times competing, objectives.
“As the process moves forward in the Congress, we hope members will recognize the care and attention these complex issues have received. We also hope that as they work on opportunities to make the bill even more effective, they will respect the balances struck in the effort thus far. PG&E will do the same. Ultimately, we look forward to seeing a final bill pass the Congress this year, so we can all begin working to address this urgent challenge.”