
Thomas B. King Named Executive Vice President And Chief Of Utility Operations For Pacific Gas And Electric Company


(San Francisco) - Pacific Gas and Electric Company today announced the election of Thomas B. King, 42, as executive vice president and chief of utility operations, effective today. King has been senior vice president and chief of utility operations since November 2003.

King will continue to direct the utility's operations for gas and electric transmission and distribution, customer service, customer revenue transactions, general services, internet services, business development, and rates and account services.

"Tom has demonstrated a solid vision and commitment to strengthening Pacific Gas and Electric Company's operations," said Gordon R. Smith, president and chief executive officer of Pacific Gas and Electric Company. "We look forward to his continued leadership."

King joined PG&E Corporation in 1998 as president and chief operating officer of PG&E Gas Transmission. In late 2002, he was named president of PG&E National Energy Group as that unit prepared for its restructuring. Following that assignment, King continued in his role as senior vice president of PG&E Corporation, before joining Pacific Gas and Electric Company in late 2003.

Prior to joining PG&E Corporation, King held several senior executive positions at major firms in the wholesale natural gas industry, including Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, where he was president and chief operating officer. King earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from Louisiana State University and is a graduate of University of Michigan's Executive Management Program.


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